About Us
Honor Flight of Southern Indiana is the 133rd Honor Flight Network hub. Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s Veterans for all their sacrifices. We serve the Indiana counties of Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Orange, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick.
We fly Veterans to Washington DC to visit memorials built to honor their service to the nation. Top priority is given to our oldest Veterans, along with those Veterans who may be a medical priority. Any Veteran who has served this great country is eligible for their Honor Flight. A Veteran DOES NOT have to serve during conflict or overseas to qualify for his or her Honor Flight.
Our History
In October 2014, an Honor Flight to Washington D.C. departed from Evansville for the first time. That initial flight, which brought 3,000+ teary-eyed supporters to Evansville Regional Airport, was under the mentorship of Indy Honor Flight. The second Honor Flight out of Evansville was on May 30th, 2015 which was the first official flight for the Honor Flight of Southern Indiana hub.
After the success of the inaugural Honor Flight out of Evansville in 2014, a strong committee of professionals, led by local residents Ashley Gregg and Jerry Clewlow, continued the push to bring an Honor Flight hub to Southern Indiana veterans and their families. Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke officially proclaimed May 30th, 2015 “Honor Flight of Southern Indiana Day” in the city of Evansville, IN.
A Tour of Honor Sponsor
This sponsorship covers the cost of 86 veterans on their Honor Flight!
Soldier Dogs of Independence EVV17
EVV9, EVV11, EVV14 EVV12
Our 5 Star Sponsors
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, Honor Flight of Southern Indiana can take Veterans to Washington, D.C. to see the memorials erected in their honor.