On the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, we have a planning committee meeting for the upcoming flight during flight season. This meeting is from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (central time). Any HFSI volunteer is welcomed to attend this meeting to learn about the upcoming flight and how they can become involved! Please note that these planning meetings can run about 30-60 minutes long.
After the planning meeting, the HFSI Board has their monthly meeting. Volunteers do not attend this meeting.
These meetings typically are held at the EVILLE CATHOLIC DIOCESE at 4200 N.KENTUCKY AVE, Evansville, IN. If the location changes, we will announce the change on our Facebook page.
If you are not receiving our HFSI emails, please contact HFSI officer at hfsisecy@gmail.com. You can also contact HFSI volunteer director at hfsivolunteers@gmail.com